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A two-way olfactometer is an instrumental apparatus designed to study the olfactory preferences of insects, particularly in response to volatile compounds. In the context of small insect's research, this device offers valuable insights into how these small sap-sucking or chewing bite insects respond to different odors, often emanating from plants. The unit is useful for small caterpillars too. The size should be less than or equal to 1mm. The optimal sample size for this unit is approximately 10 numbers.


A two-way olfactometer is a very useful instrument employed to investigate the olfactory-driven behaviors of insects, especially in reaction to volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs either derived naturally or made in laboratory. Within the realm of aphid studies, using simple two-way olfactometer is essential to understand their preferential responses. For instance, Webster et al. (2008) demonstrated that aphids could distinguish between varying plant volatiles using this device, further elucidating their intricate host-seeking behaviors. The standard structure of a two-way olfactometer comprises a main chamber where aphids are released, flanked by two arms emitting separate odor cues. The unit is unique in its simple design since aphids are small and won't require a large releasing area, the design even suits like whiteflies, midges etc. The choice study compounds of VOCs may come from host or non-host plants, synthesized chemicals mimicking natural odors, or even emissions from aphid predators or competitors, as highlighted in the work of Bruce et al. (2005). Given a choice, aphids navigate towards one of the odor sources. This movement, as Du et al. (1998) noted, unravels key aspects of their olfactory predilections. The significance of these findings is instrumental in understanding insect's preferences which in turn helps to devise control strategies. Aphids, akin to myriad insects, are profoundly dependent on olfaction to discern appropriate host plants and eschew predators. Comprehending the precise olfactory stimuli that allure or deter aphids equips researchers to innovate enhanced pest control measures. As postulated by Zhu and Park (2005), certain plant VOCs have potential as repellents or lures in insect traps. Therefore, the two-way olfactometer stands as a central instrument in entomological inquiries, championing sustainable and precision-driven aphid control techniques.


The Simple unit contents:

The glass part, connecting joints, and Teflon tubing of 30cm each side


The complete unit contents:

The parts of simple unit, air delivery system, air control delivery system includes flow control valves, air purification and humidification, Black cover sheet and base to fix the olfactometer

Two way olfactometer minus type for studying small insects

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